
Can’t afford a high-tech, highly-produced booth? Use your product to decorate your booth instead! Rhinestones, fabric panels, stacks of chairs, and even candy (check out PayPal’s booth!) can add a splash of color and excitement to your display. If you don’t feel comfortable making the leap with real ink, you can always opt for glitter instead! (Check out my own Glittertoo down below)

Interactivity is a sure-fire way to drive traffic to a booth. Games, photos (see Best of Show), and surprises (like the treasure chest which could only be opened by one attendee’s key) are all great ways to draw crowds. And we loved Pinkberry, who served up their delicious frozen yogurt as a simple and creative way to showcase their catering services!

And people can be part of a display too! DJ Chef has been around for years and remains entertaining with his lively combo of music and food. Cross-dressers and “living tables” are also timeless, as Screaming Queens continue to delight with their showgirls/boys and human tables (roaming the show floor, they were hard to miss).

DJ Chef combines two of our favorite things: music and great food!

Remarkable Rhinestones used their product to creatively decorate their booth’s backdrop — and this rhinestone bouquet was a real crowd-attractor!

PayPal did a great job of incorporating colors & excitement into their booth which could have been bland and boring. Candy in their brand colors lured prospects in. Even technology can be tasty!

Nothing is more eye-catching than one of these Glittertoos!

Pinkberry was delicious!

Jacob getting comfortable with the Screaming Queens

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